NARWHAL!!! My favourite animal is the Whale and whats the only thing that can top a Whale.... A Whale with a freaking horn on its face!!! I know Narwhal's horns are where its nose should be but I had such a hard time liking the drawings where I had used it as a nose (just looked like a snowman) so I had to use some creative licence and put it on its head instead.
In case you haven't guessed already I do have a slight fixation with water dwelling animals, this is because they are far more interesting looking than anything else in the world and this is really true about Ray's. I always think that they look like water ghosts.
I was once chased by a Jellyfish and have also accidentally eaten one as a child, so I have always seen them as the ultimate troll creature. O_O They just lurk and wait, then they get you when you least expect it.